Hey There!

My name is Garrett and I am passionate about traveling, simple living and working with my hands. My dream is to build tiny houses all over the globe. The more I travel, the more I meet people who’s dream it is to own land and live in a community of friends. I want to take that idea one step further by facilitating a network of communities and houses so that my friends and I can travel freely while still feeling at home. So far simple living has meant that me and my girlfriend Chrissie happily live out of backpacks and our car, traveling festival to festival, city to city, around the world.

We’ve been living with this lifestyle for 3 years and while the freedom is incredibly rewarding we’re starting to crave some roots.  I am dreaming of building something more permanent for us, that still gives us the freedom to travel. I am extremely inspired by the tiny house movement as well as earthship and storage container homes. Living in Detroit I can see so much waste that can be reused. And so I’m beginning a new passion project, building microhomes for the homeless of Detroit. In this project I hope to learn about building sustainably, living simply, and using as much reclaimed materials as possible. This blog will document my findings, my lessons, my projects and my passions. I hope you can learn from it too!

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