Collecting tools and materials

While I have a small, donated budget to work with I’m trying to use as much repurposed materials as possible. So far I’ve dumpster dove some insulation, lumber, and cans for the shingles and solar heater. I’ve purchased my tools, lots of caulk and some plexiglass. Let the build begin!


I’ve started in IndiGoGo to fund the MicroHomes project and it’s already been hugely successful! What I Need Help With. Like most artists in Detroit, I happily support myself without much income. However, I am rich with social capital, and that’s where my network of loving friends come in. I need donations for tools, wheels, […]

MicroHomes- The Spark

Living in Detroit has sparked a growing need within me to help the homeless. I lived in Detroit for 3 years and love it’s work hard, play hard attitude. I believe in the city, and even more so, I believe in the people. While living in Detroit (Eastern Market, Mexicantown) and Hamtramck, it was impossible for me […]